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Metal shelving keeps life organized

In life, we often face two problems:

1. There are too much clutter and no place to put them.

2. Sundries are placed everywhere, but they can't be found when they are used. Inventions originate from life and are applied to life. Because of these two problems in human life, shelving is produced.

Our company is located on the sixth floor of a building. Because there is a small restaurant on the seventh floor, it needs to stock a lot of rice, noodles, condiments, and vegetables. There are many miscellaneous things, but the office environment of our company is still clean and tidy. Because we have used the shelf to the extreme.

In the R&D room, we use rivet boltless racks to store various tools and accessories.


metal shelving in our R&D room
In the reference room, we use garage metal racks to store the collected picture albums, as well as some of the rice used in the kitchen, condiments, and snacks for leisure.


boltelss rack in our reference room
We didn't waste this small storage room where the computer server was placed. There were a lot of condiments placed on the garage metal shelving.
galvanized boltless shelving in our storage room
In the stairwell leading to the 7th floor, we use boltless shelving to store potted plants and various gardening tools.


garage rack in the stairwell
In the storage room next to the restaurant, we use shelves to store vegetables such as potatoes, onions, and garlic.


Metal shelves for vegetables
Imagine if we don’t have racks to help us store them in different categories, then how messy the company’s environment would be. Items will be piled all over the floor. The racks increase the utilization of space and allow us to work in a limited space. More items can be stored in it.

Since 2009, we have been deeply involved in the garage shelving industry. The average daily output of our production base in China has reached 21,800 sets per month. With the increase in orders, we urgently need to expand our production scale.

Thailand is the main production base of particleboard. We have comprehensively considered the land cost and employment situation and supply chain situation. We finally chose to buy land to build a new factory in Thai-Chinese Rayong Industrial Park(The industrial park is only 27KM from Thailand's largest port the Linchaban deep-water port, and 1 hour from Bangkok airport).

If you are interested in our shelving, please contact us: info@fudingindustries.com

Post time: Sep-01-2023